The volatile history of the Danube valley is impressively reflected in the wine town of Krems, which celebrated its millennial in 1995. The magical little town, with its imposing merchants' homes and narrow lanes, was the only one in Austria to be accepted into the guild of famous European wine towns. It is the home to a wealth of art and art-historical treasures, such as old defensive fortifications, the baroque pillar of the Holy Trinity and Steiner Gate. 
Mainly relying on sculptural techniques, the artis has been committed to exploring bodies, the nature of materials, their character as apparatuses, and their affective qualities. The title of the exhibition, Transplants, related to those hybrid interstices from which the boundaries between bodies, language, and observers are remapped and renegotiated. These works deppen the relationship between man and plant, which the artist regards as essential for her practive as a sculptor.
Transplant blue, Transplant 1, Transplant C pink

This is a beautiful town with an interesting vinyard. It's the Loisium Museum. It's a wine museum that tells the story of producing wine from the perspective of the "grape".
It is owned by an American. The Steininger and Erich & Walter Polz teamed together to make a Reisling and a sauvignon blanc that produces prize winning wines in this area.
Klosterneuburg is one of the most significant abbeys in Austria. It was founded in 1114 by the Babenbrg margrave Leopold III and his wife Agnes of Germany. It was once the residence of Charles VI. It is an Augustinian monastery.
The treasures in the abbey are superb. The world famous altar of Nikolaus of Verdun, creaated in 1181 is the most valuable piece. It has the largest private library in Austria. The Cathedral of the Monastery, the cloister, St. Leopold's Chapel (with the Verdun altar), and the former well house.
The Archducal Coronet, the holy crown of the country is located here.
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