The vast rectangular stretch of cobblestones, surrounded by architectural marvels is a "gasp - gorgeous" site. In old Russian krasny meant beautiful and Krasnaya Ploshchad means "Red Square"
Lenin's Mausoleum - Lenin was emblamed here in 1924. There is a staff of many who work under the mausoleum daily too keep the body preserved. Many communist "heavy hitters" are also buried here. Joseph Stalin - successor to Lenin; Leonid Brezhnev - successor to Khruschchev; Dzenzhinsky - founder of the KGB; and several others.
Stalin was orignially buried with Lenin in his mausoleum, from 1953-1961. The ancient Bolshevik, Madame Spiridonova announced that Vladimir Ilych (the architect of the tomb) appeared in a dream , insisting that he did not like spending eternity with Stalin. Stalin was removed and given a place of honour behind the mausoleum.
Resurrection Gate
Originally destroyed by Stalin, who thought it was an impediment to parades, it was rebuilt in 1995.
Founded on this site at the northern end of Red Square in 1636.
The elaborate 240m facade is a bright, bustling shopping mall with hundreds of fancy stores and restaurants.Pronounced "goom" the initials GUM originally stood for the Russian words for 'State Department Store', when it was privatised in 2005 , the name was officially changed to Main Department Store.
Saviour Gate Tower
The Kremlin's official exit onto Red Square. This gate considered sacred has been used for processions since tsarists times. The current clock was installed in the gate tower in the 1850's. It weighs 25 tons. It chimes every 15 minutes.
ST Basil's Cathedral
In 1552 Ivan the Terrible captured the Tatar stronghold of Kazan on the Feast of Intercession. He commisioned this landmark church to commemorate the victory.
The shapes of the cathedral hides a comprehensive plan of 9 main chapels. Each was consecrated in honour of an event or battle in the struggle against Kazan. The onion domes were originally green, most likely acuiring their characteristic colours and patterns during an 18th - century restoration. Approximately 300 multicoloured, semicircular gables adorn the upper tiers of the churches.
St Vasily the Blessed, on the first floor, contains the canopy-covered crypt of its namesake saint, one of the most revered in Moscow. Vasily the Blessed was known as a 'holy fool', sometimes going naked and purposefully humiliating himself for the greater glory of god.
According the legend, Ivan the Terrible had the architects blinded , however 25 years later they built an additional chapel.
Minin & Pozharsky
One a butcher and one a prince, who together raised and led the army that ejected occupying Poles from the Kremlin in 1612.
So interesting - wonderful photos. Thanks,