Parkersburg's strategic location at the confluence of the Little Kanawha and Ohio rivers aided to its development as an industrial center. An early visitor was George Washington, who surveyed land above the city on the Ohio River.
West Virginia's first oil wells were drilled nearby in 1860, which made Parkersburg the supply and shipping point for the "black gold" fields. More than 100 industries produce chemicals,glass,metals,plastics and other products.
I attended the Lee/Davis reunion. It is annually held on the first Sunday in August. 

New purchase for the reunion .....
prize for longest journey traveled - California
prize for youngest - 15 months.......
Prize for the winning ticket...
A momment of prayer, before the meeting....
Having fun at the reunion
Grandpa helps me with a drink of water

The family cemetary......on Mt Solon
Visiting Aunt Reebecka.....
The old family homestead
Hanging out at the park.......
Grandpa's taking us fishing.....
doesn't this look like a Norman Rockwell pose??
I think I found something
Something will come by....
Wow - Grandpa found a crawfish!!!

I need a drink after all of that work....exhausting.....

With its quartz properties, the crystaline sand sparkles with a white luster and feels soft to the touch on Destin's share of the 24 mile Emerld Coast.
The whitness of the sand intensifies the bluish-green of the Gulf of Mexico.....

I'm ready for the beach mom.........

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